Discover and resolve issues from this and other dimensional lifetimes that may be effecting your present-day life.
A profoundly effective talking therapy through which we explore together to unlock the priority cell memory of the time, place and situation that is being recalled.
Each regression is different, and holds great potential of enabling you to discover – and safely resolve – issues that may be affecting your present-day life.
Explore past times, different cultures and places;
Discover your previous lifetimes and explore how you lived, including key events;
Find answers to your questions when you find yourself drawn to a place, time, or culture, but have never quite understood why;
Identify and discover your Soul Family Grouping across your timelines;
Clear, balance, heal and create lasting change.

Past life work can be so beneficial, and can achieve results where many other therapies have been less effective. Regression therapy is especially beneficial at identifying and clearing long-standing and repeating patterns of behaviour, aversions, or phobias, also for releasing karmic contracts and ties that no longer serve.
Therapeutic healing through Past Life Regression is on a deeper and more profound level than that achieved by normal hypnotherapeutic means, working with experiences which occurred when you lived a different life in a different century.
Insights and intention can lead to powerful shifts, affecting real lasting change. A great sense of clarity can be achieved through Past Life Regression, which in turn can lead to a calmer, more balanced state.
Past lives help form what each individual is today, and you don’t even need to have a belief attached to reincarnation in order for regression therapy to be effective.
It’s worth noting that the word ‘past’ implies a linear process – that the flow of time is sequential – that we experience life as a series of events which occur one after the other. However, in regression therapy there can be no assumption that time is linear in this way. It is therefore widely accepted in the scientific community that parallel universes may exist and that linear time, as we understand it, may be far more complex than has always been believed.
One way to look at it is to say that it is possible to move backwards and forwards along the time line of the soul to the point when events occurred. It is through accessing the recall of those events that we can explore and settle them within the psyche, and this in turn can have lasting effect in the present-day lifetime.
For ease of reference, the term Past Life Regression is used here, although it’s worth noting that any dimensional timeline may be accessed during a regression session.
What to expect during a session
We begin with a consultation to discuss expectations and session potential before settling you down in a super relaxing anti-gravity chair.
Past Life Regression is a talking therapy whereby a light hypnotic trance state of relaxation is induced using guided imagery.
Everyone has the potential to remember a past life or lives. Each one is a voyage into the unknown. Together we explore, observe and learn – and herein lies the vast potential of increased awareness, healing and growth.
You’ll be in a deeply relaxed altered state of consciousness, yet still very aware, and thus able to open your eyes at any time. You’ll be able to answer questions and describe your experience as we explore together to unlock the priority cell memory of the time, place and situation that is being recalled.
One or more past life may be accessed during a session and it is important to have no expectation.
It’s also important to note that there is NO use of suggestion during sessions. All cellular memories of recalled lifetimes arise from within your sub-conscious mind, and not through and kind of suggestion put to you. You are in control of your own experience at all times.
Allow 1.5-2hrs $195. Weekday appointments available in studio at Aberfoyle Park.
Please check your inbox after booking submission. You will be asked to make contact with your preference for weekday appointment and timing. Please note cancellation policy for all circles, groups and private appointments which you will be asked to accept at time of booking.

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Appointment availability is posted weekly via the Elizabeth : Lotus Star Facebook page
Also available : Energy Alchemy Healing – Reiki, Crystals, Colour, Sound Healing, Access Bars® Therapy, EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique, Healing with Spirit – Shamanic Healing